I have never written a blog before, and probably it will never be read by anyone but that is OK. I want to at least try to connect with at least one Soul out there. I want to share my journey and maybe it will help someone out there experiencing the same thing.
Searching for my Soul Family. I have a very loving family. I have a husband who I love very much - he is the best thing that could of happened to me in my life. I have siblings, nephews, nieces and my Mom who i love all very much. We are a very close family - but they don't share my spiritual path with me. I have always been the "witch" of the family, the one who they always make jokes, laugh etc. Honestly, it never bothered me, until recently when i began my spiritual journey. I learned that i need to speak my truth, I needed to learn not to feel "weird" about who I am. I finally let them all know how I felt and stopped sharing my "crazy" stuff with them. I joined like minded groups in Facebook and that has certainly help me in knowing and feeling that I am not alone. All these groups have thousands of members and most are from other countries. I searched for local groups to perhaps meet up with in person or just communicate with. Due to Covid and the limited choices, i have not been able to find anything. I prefer intimate settings and not a huge crowd. Even the Zoom meetings i find are too large for me. I also find there are a lot of "women only" circles. I am a woman but for me, i would prefer a circle that is open to all genders, ages and nationalities. I speak fluent Spanish , reason this blog will always be posted in both languages. Another bump in the road i found is that a lot of places require either sitting/stretching on the floor and/or Yoga type of positions. Due to my severe Rheumatoid Arthritis , I am unable to do any of those. I live in Long Beach, New York - I am fortunate to have the beach in my backyard. I spend an hour each day during sunrise connecting with Spirit ( standing up )
I envision my Spirit Family to include all genders, ages, nationalities, from all walks of life who simply just want to share conversations about Chakras, the Moon, the Sun, Mother Earth, Astrology, Tarot Cards and more ....without being judged or laughed at.
If you are out there, let's connect !!
Son los que se juntan a tu alrededor en tu vida, no conectados por sangre o raza, sino por energía y esencia. Traen amor y apoyo incondicional en los momentos perfectos y comprenden y comparten la misma misión y propósito. Por ti estoy agradecido. Somos unoVisualizo que mi Familia Espiritual incluye todos los géneros, edades, nacionalidades, de todos los ámbitos de la vida que simplemente quieren compartir conversaciones sobre Chakras, la Luna, el Sol, la Madre Tierra, la Astrología, las Cartas del Tarot y más ... sin ser juzgado o reído.
¡Si estás ahí fuera, conectemos! !