Saturday, October 21, 2023

My Circle of Love

A circle of love occurs when two or more people are together with completely open hearts - open with their essence, with each other and with Spirit. When we are deeply connected with our core self and with the love and sustenance of Spirit, and we are sharing our love with others - and they are doing the same - a circle of love occurs. A circle of love is the highest, most joyous experience in life.

Un círculo de amor ocurre cuando dos o más personas están juntas con corazones completamente abiertos -  abiertos con su esencia, entre sí y con el Espíritu.  Cuando estamos profundamente conectados con nuestro ser central y con el amor y el sustento del Espíritu, Y estamos compartiendo nuestro amor con los demás, y ellos están haciendo lo mismo, se produce un círculo de amor.  Un círculo de amor es la experiencia más elevada y gozosa de la vida.

 I am blessed to have a circle of friends who I can have deep conversations with.  Conversations that uplift your spirits.   If you are interested in joining us, please contact me.  There is no cost, except your time and your open heart.   Open to all ( women,men, all religions, all nationalities)

Tengo la suerte de tener un círculo de amigas con quien pueda tener conversaciones profundas.Conversaciones que te levantan el ánimo.   Si estás interesado en unirte a nosotros, por favor contáctame.    No hay ningún costo, excepto tu tiempo y su corazón abierto.   Abierto para todos 
( mujeres,hombres, todas religiones y toda nacionalidad)

Thursday, October 19, 2023

A love letter from those who have passed on…

 Take the LOVE you have for me

And radiate it outwards
Allowing it to touch and impact others.
Take the MEMORY you have of me
And use it as a source of inspiration
To live fully, meaningfully and intentionally.
Take the IMAGE you have of me in your mind
And allow it to fuel you
To take action
Seize the day
And be reminded of what is most important in life.
Take the CARE you have for me
And let it remind you
To care for yourself fully
And shower yourself with your own love.
And take the pain and GRIEF you feel
Following my loss
And alchemize it into
Love, compassion and beauty
Build a castle
From the wreckage of my passing
And allow it to unlock your greatness and potential
And empower you to become more than you ever thought you were capable of being.
And know that I can never truly leave you
And will always remain beside you
Watching over you in spirit.
And that the LOVE I have for you lives on
Through the connections you form
The kindness and compassion you share
And the future relationships and friendships you cultivate.
And until we are one day reunited
I will remain with you
Through the storms and chaos of life
And am always beside you
Walking with you, laughing with you, crying with you and smiling with you.
And I am proud of you for being strong
I am proud of you for being brave
And I am proud of you for being you.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Me llaman de muchas maneras................


Te van a llamar "rara", "loca” porque naciste con el don de ver las cosas de otra manera y eso les asusta.
Te van a llamar "intensa" porque lo eres, porque naciste con el valor bien puesto para permitirte sentirlo todo plenamente y eso les intimida.
Te van a llamar "egoísta" porque así es, porque descubriste que tú eres lo más importante en tu vida y eso no les conviene.
Te van a llamar de muchas maneras, con muchos juicios, durante mucho tiempo, pero mantente firme en ti y en lo que quieres, y te prometo que un día te van a llamar para decirte: